NIHR Research Support Service (RSS) Hub delivered by King’s College London and Partners
(Mental Health & Neuroscience)
About the RSS Hub delivered by KCL and Partners
The NIHR Research Support Service (RSS) Hub delivered by King’s College London & Partners is a centre of excellence for research methodology in Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience and is run in collaboration with Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, University College London, University of Oxford, and the University of Leeds.
Mental health and brain disorders can cause problems in all areas of life, often beginning in childhood and lasting a lifetime. The hub aims to help researchers to improve people’s lives by understanding how to avert difficulties and find better treatments.
In collaboration with a range of academics, we offer various methodological expertise and support from across our partnerships at both the pre-award and post-aware stage, including:
- Medical statistics
- Qualitative social science
- Health economics
- Clinical trials methodology
- IMP (pharmacy) management
- Operational support, clinical trials management, and study delivery
- Public and Patient Involvement and Engagement (PPI-E)
- Psychometrics and validating interventions
- Health informatics and mobile health (mHealth)
- Medical devices
If you would like support from the hub, please book an appointment with the RSS coordinator using the below link and select either pre-award or post-award. This will be an initial conversation to enable us to direct you to the type of support you require, so please come ready with an overview of your proposed study.
Please email if you have any difficulty booking an appointment.